There are about 2 000 described species of spiders in southern Africa. The vast majority are mostly harmless with only a few genera (3) that are of medical importance.

The most common of the medically significant spiders in Zimbabwe is the Sac spider (Cheiracanthium furculatum) which has cytotoxic venom. A bite from this spider results in swelling, followed by an ulcerative wound and tissue necrosis that is at risk of secondary infection. It is a painful wound that takes a long time to heal.

Spiders from the Latrodectus genus, also known as Button spiders, are of medical significance; with the most famous “Black-Widow spider or Black Button spider” being one to note. They deliver a painful bite containing neurotoxic venom that can lead to cardiac and respiratory complications. In recent history there have been no recorded deaths from button spider bites. In Zimbabwe, the brown button spider (Latrodectus geometricus) is more common than the black button spider.

The Violin spider (Loxosceles simillima) is the last spider of note in terms of its venom. It also has cytotoxic venom that causes an ulcerating wound which often becomes infected, in some cases requiring plastic surgery to remedy the extensive scarring caused by the wound. These are uncommon spiders in Zimbabwe.

What we will do
Depending on the situation that needs to be addressed, we have several treatment options on offer. Information regarding the location and size of the area to be treated will be helpful when you call us for a free quotation.